Heart Attack Symptoms and First Aid
Heart Attack - Acute Coronary Syndrome
Heart Attack - Women
Acute coronary syndrome, or ACS, occurs when there is reduced blood flow to the tissues of the heart. Often described as a heart attack, ACS is a serious condition that can result in significant damage to the heart. Someone with ACS will generally experience;
- Pain, severe pressure, or discomfort in the chest.
- Shortness of breath, nausea, and lightheadedness can also occur.
- The person’s skin may be pale, cool, and sweaty.
- Women often do not experience these signs and will describe indigestion, weakness, or fatigue.
Activate EMS immediately, even if person does not want you to
If available, get an AED. Do not try to transport person to a hospital yourself. Allow person to find the most comfortable position in which to breathe. Loosen tight clothing. A person who is having a heart attack may deny it. This is a common occurrence in ACS. Accept it, but never let this alter the approach to care.
Calm, comfort, and reassure the victim
Whenever a heart attack is suspected, be prepared for the possibility of sudden cardiac arrest, and the need for CPR and the use of an AED. Continue to reassure the person until another provider or EMS personnel take over.
"In my experience, I have seen Justin Haagen teach CPR/First Aid to high school students training to be cabin leaders at a camp; to full-time professional adults working at a Museum. In both settings (and organizations) she knows how to read her audience and paces her lessons accordingly. She really provides lessons that fit each demographic (especially with kids that often tire from the tediousness of typical CPR/First Aid classes, Justin makes it fun for them by keeping them active and practicing, not just listening). Justin is flexible and can work around your schedule, and just an overall nice person."JC, Santa Barbara