Simple Life-Saving Technology
New Report Outlines 10 Measures for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Even when a patient survives, the condition may have a devastating impact on the patient�s quality and length of life. This clinical outcome also imposes a heavy economic burden through healthcare costs.
Employ the HeartSine Samaritan Pad to Treat SCA
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death globally. Response time is critical for survival. The HeartSine samaritan� PAD was designed especially for use in public areas by providing a sophisticated defibrillator for adult or pediatric use, inside a lightweight and easy-to-operate system.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Facts
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the U.S., killing more than 325,000 people each year. That’s more than the total death rate for breast cancer, lung cancer, and HIV/AIDS combined.
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