By Justin Haagen
on Oct 12, 2020
Please read below to understand what safety precautions we will take. You must wear a mask to the class: this can be a commercially made mask or a handmade mask. No Bandanas please.
Safety Practices and Preventative Measures to be followed:
- Training equipment will be thoroughly cleaned after every training class, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting.
- Classroom surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned after every training class.
- Classroom has 2 True HEPA Air Purifiers running to continually clean the air.
- Students will wear gloves while performing hands on skills portions of the class and disinfecting wipes will be available to ensure equipment is thoroughly disinfected between student use. Students are required to wear a mask to your class or skill session.- we will provide the gloves
- Student and Instructor will maintain 6 feet of distance-
- Mannikins will be spaced apart at least 6 feet during training, based on WHO social guidance on social distancing.
- Face Shields will not be used to practice rescue breaths. We will use pocket masks with one-way valves using a 1:1 student to mask ratio for simulation only, no breathes expelled. Clean and disinfect masks and bag mask devices between training classes.
- Students will practice using PPE for real during hands-on practices, including how to put on and take off barriers properly.
- Encourage instructors and students to use appropriate self-managed efforts to reduce the chance for exposure during training:
- Avoid contact with surfaces and objects that have been touched by others before being cleaned.
- Schedule smaller class sizes or one-on-one training sessions, especially for hands-on skill practices.
- If a scheduled student has identified symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), he or she will not be admitted to the class /skill session. We will allow you to reschedule to another date.
More than 90% of deaths from choking occur in children younger than 5 years old; 65% of them are infants! (AHA)
I need to renew my BLS certification (I am an RN). Which class would that be?
Thank you!
Jordan Connelly