Safety Matters Certified Training 5669 Calle Real , Ste F, Goleta, CA 93117 | Call: (805) 705-9222

Our Classes:

Classroom, Online/Blended, Onsite Training

BLS/CPR Classes Come to you in Santa Barbara, Goleta and Carpinteria

We offer classes to fit your busy schedule and preferred learning style!

Classroom Based Training

While online/Blended classes are gaining popularity, live instructor led training, (where all of the course and skill work is done in the classroom) offers benefits that are hard to ignore. Many Students agree that having a live professional instructor in the room during training sessions can better capture the student interest and l0ng lasting skill retention.

Safety Matters Certified Training provides video based training classes utilizing "Practice While You Watch" techniques which have been proven to provide students with a lasting educational learning experience that can saves lives. Our classroom courses makes protecting and saving lives easy. We’ve got everything you need to keep your training efficient, informative, and effective with engaging award-winning video presentations in DVD, complete with instructor and classroom training materials, for total classroom training convenience. Our Prestan's revolutionary CPR Manikin Rate Monitor allows for instant feedback to both instructor and student regarding the rate and depth of chest compressions. This allows each student to gauge their rate of compressions. So they know if they are doing CPR correctly!

Online/Blended Training: Online Lessons With Hands-On Skills Sessions

Online/Blended courses are the same courses as the classroom trainings -and deliver the same certification. The difference is the classroom portion is completed online rather than in the classroom and students usually complete this portion in less time than the classroom lecture course. Online/Blended training combines the convenience of online training with a shortened face to face skill session. All you need is an Internet connection for access to the online course, including streaming video and eLearning courses. Within seconds, students can access relatable training specific to their needs or worksite, with accurate content and consistent delivery to ensure higher engagement and retention, as well as better results.

The face to face skill session covers a review, practice time and skill evaluation. Here's how it works!
Part 1: Each student independently completes the course lecture portion, online, at their convenience, at their pace, before the face to face skill date.
Part 2: Your Face to Face skill practice & evaluation session is conveniently scheduled as a one on one or small group appointment.
Part 3: Satisfactorily perform the physical skill components at the evaluation session.

ONSITE Training - We Come to You!

ONSITE training for Small Groups of 6 or larger groups up to 16 students.

We offer flexible and convenient scheduling, reliable and experienced instructors and educational materials for all industries.

BLS/CPR Classes Come to you in Santa Barbara, Goleta and Carpinteria

Here are five key benefits to an instructor-led class at your location:

  1. No Commuting to another location
    Your team shows up at the usual time and the usual place, no traveling, car pools, no excuses for missing training.
  2. Adaptability
    Training scenarios are adapted to your physical location and actual safety team member’s skill and response level. Training will be conducted on your actual AED when applicable.
  3. Dialogue with the Instructor
    Students have the ability to openly ask questions that may pertain to site and situation specific incidents. Relax, you’re are among friends and colleagues, no fear dialogue!
  4. Better Risk Assessment Attention
    This is a great time to incorporate your company’s specific safety procedures and to identify any areas of concern or risk. Students have the ability to focus more on what is being taught and not be crippled by distractions when they train together. If emergency job duties arise, it is easy to step away briefly to handle, this causes less stress for the employees knowing they are not “hostage” in a classroom.
  5. Team Building & Networking Opportunities
    Taking a class together allows staff to learn how to count on each other and learn skill strengths and limitations. You can add tremendous value to the course by networking with your peers during Q&A, Skills sections and breaks

Regardless of the training format, nowhere is effective learning more important than in emergency care and safety training. When you have a positive training experience, you’re building the skills and confidence it takes to create a safer environment and come to the aid of someone in need. Memorable training based on real-life scenarios, clear explanation, easy-to-follow skills instruction, and effective refresher materials are at the heart of our Trainings.



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