Safety Matters Certified Training 5669 Calle Real , Ste F, Goleta, CA 93117 | Call: (805) 705-9222

Seizure Management and Follow-Up

By Justin Haagen on Jun 28, 2016 in Managing Medical Emergencies, Simple Life-Saving Skills

First Steps in Caring for Seizure Victims

Seizures are triggered by excessive electrical activity within brain. Results in uncontrolled muscle convulsions of the body. Generally, seizures happen without warning. Breathing may seem absent. Control of the bladder may be lost, and the person may vomit. While there are many things that can cause a seizure to occur, the treatment is always the same.

  • Protect person during seizure.
  • Move objects away that he may bump in to.
  • Do not restrain the person.
  • Allow seizure to take its course.
  • Do not put anything in the mouth, including your finger.
  • There is no danger of the tongue being swallowed.

Activate EMS if the person:

  • Is injured during the seizure,
  • Has no history of seizure, or
  • Continues to seize for more than 10 minutes

Most seizures last only a short time, and stop without any special treatment. If response and breathing are absent after a seizure stops begin CPR and get an AED if one is available.

Infant & Child Stroke Survivors are more Prone to Seizures

I thought that she was so engaging, making learning fun and entertaining. I loved how she brought kids up to the stage and taught them how to do CPR.
Grace, student